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Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

Live Like There’s No More Days

Happy 2011’s eve. At time like this, some of us may use as reminiscing moment, the other choose to hanging out with old friends, or best friends, even more a new boyfriend, or perhaps a beautiful night of family gathering. What I really want to say, is you spend this day like no other day would be. But the fact is, every day isn’t like another day, everyday is as special as every New Year. And I believe that we should live like this everyday.

Treats each of time you have as there’s no other day coming, like this your last chance. It reminds me of The Bucket List made by two old men whom have months by their doctor. At first it’s that Carter made it is just a way toward accepting his upcoming death, as the step of grievance. Kubler Ross identified Grief cycle into 5 stages. First one is denial, then anger, bargaining, depression and then at last they will accept their conditions.  Now, he actually still on denial stage with all the doctors’ verdict, but he’s been pushed himself to be wisely as his age reflects. He translated it into this list. A bucket list itself is a piece of paper that filled by wants and dreams of a persons’ life to be accomplished, before the time is up. But, he couldn’t finish it, because at last he thought that is just silly. Then he threw it away.

Unfortunately, the thrown away list is found by his roommate at hospital whose also own the very hospital they’re at. He’s old and hopeless just like Carter,  but unlike Carter he’s lonely—as without a family backing his up—and the important thing is, He is a millionaire. He threw money for living. Attracted by list made by carter, he intends to do it and asked Carter to join him. But first, they made the list much longer as they moved to bargaining stage

The most ridiculous, naive, but also a beautiful and touching moment from this movie is how they pushed their self out of their persona that they used everyday, and just live the life. Like—I already said many times now—there is no other day. They hiked the mount of Himalaya, they rode a motorcycle at the Great Walls, and they did skydiving. They also did what is beyond those superficial— and interesting stuff. They did things that never been thought by the before. Like one of their list, kissing the most beautiful girl in the world, they—especially Blah—never expect that the girl is would be the granddaughter whose he never seen before because of the long cold war with his daughter. 


By this movie, I assure you that u will be touched by them, as they touched me. Deep in my heart I believe, that what happens in our live is only the best things we can have, with one underlined note, that we opened ourselves to such amazing experience. We let the good things be allied with our live. We embrace every moment we can face. When we do, it will be the same as we life everyday as there is only one day.

Happy New Year. Let’s wish that every year is special for us (BedtimeMovies)

Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

A Man Can Change His Star

Once upon a time, there was a story. It is A Knight’s Tale. It always has been a girl’s dream to have a perfect man. A man who always hears what girl said, who is a gentleman. This movie translates those qualities in William Thatcher, a man with a dream of becoming a knight.

During the medieval years, the word “knight” is given to person who fights in some tournament called jousting. It is a tournament embraced by peasant and noble, but you can play if only you’re a noble birth. But not for William, forced by the need of food that he—and his two friends—didn’t get these last three days, and his liege was dead before even finish his final round of a joust tournament. It’s just one last step to winning the tournament. If his master didn’t finish that tournament, so they will be fasting for the next few days.

Maslow was right about this one, fulfilled of one need leads to another needs. When they—Will and his friend, Wat and Roland—succeed their act of posed as their master temporary, Will thinks another head. He wanted to continue their act as a knight for much longer, although their head will be the price if their cover blown. Just after the fear of starvation is gone, they—at least Will—need to be recognized and honored. Then he changed his name, he becomes Sir Ulrich Von Lichtenstein and compete at the next tournament. Start from this point, their story to become a real knight begins.

 The reasons I love this movie so much—beside of the accent and the cast—is because this movie gives me so much things at once. Anything you look for from a movie, you got it. You want a heroic story? Romantic? Poetic? A little action maybe? Or a spice of humor? You will find those here, but yet packed in a light and easy to understand plot. But what I ensure to you is this story will delivered certain message about the importance of dreaming, believing, and being persistent.

First, I’ll highlight on the poetic part, because this is one of the main reasons I remember this movie. I love when William—that time posed as Sir Ulrich—made a love—also apologize—letter to Jocelyn, the girl he falls in love with. It composed by the best words of true love that he and his friends experienced. I will write it down for you.

William opened with,
“It is strange to think. I have not seen you in a month. I have seen the new moon, but not you. I have seen sunsets and sunrises, but nothing of your beautiful face."
Then Roland filled in with his feeling to a girl once he loved, who also broke his heart.
“The pieces of my broken heart are so small can be pass through the eye of a needle."
Then, Wat gives his lines that was made to the girl he missed
"I miss you like the sun misses the flower. Like the sun misses the flower in the depths of winter. Instead of beauty to direct its light to, the heart hardens like the frozen world your absence has banished me to."
And to finish the letter, Kate said that it should end with hope. She said,
“Hope guides me. It is what gets me through the day and especially the night. The hope that after you leave my sight, it will not be the last time I look upon you."

That is a beautiful love letter, for sure. I believe that is what every women dream to be sent to them by their men, who already way passed that age of romanticism. 

Now I move to the inspirational part. Part that I said before as “certain message about the importance of dreaming, believing, and being persistent”. Since he was native, he had this one dream only, it is to be a knight. A dream that immediately agreed by his Father faithfully, whether He knew that such dream is impossible to become reality. His father believe—like I do too, that when someone is dreaming, It’s not about what’s possible, it’s about being in the right path. Don’t be worry to the rest of it, because the path itself will show you the direction (where) and way (how) to accomplish yours.

Sometimes believe is not enough just based from what we believe. Faith of the love ones—like family, friend or spouse—is encourage it. There is always the word ‘fear’ wondering around, to scare the dreamer. Because dreaming is also means preparing adventure plan to the unknown world.  As a matter of fact, in some case, dream that we’ve been designed, crush because of those fears. Thatcher Sr.—William’s Father—reminds me, as he said to William, “Don't be foolish, William. You just follow your feet...” That was absolutely right.  It’s kind of made me remember one thing I always believe. That beneath a brain-full and cultured a human is, we’re always having the ‘lizard brain’ inside of us. It’s the most primitive part of a human that remains during this very long time of evolution. Freud called it as id. It works like animal instinct. It never gone wrong, especially when involves personal wealth. When we’re cornered, then ‘lizard brain’ will take over ourselves and save us. Just like the time when we watch a scary scene on a movie. Both our hands will react. Between one and another, the reaction maybe different, it adjusts to our needs. For some people, both of their hands will be covering the ears, to protect us from the hated sound that we’ll be hearing. For some other, hands maybe has another thought to cover our mouth, because some people may have to be more a screaming type when they’ve got scared. That’s what I mean with ‘never gone wrong’ because it responds they way you needed most. That’s why we have to believe to our dream. Because the more we dig those fears the more we realize that there aren’t to be afraid of.

The last, and the most tricky yet cliché thing is being persistent. Persistence means proofed along the time. Sometime, the way is not always in a straight shape, nor we’ll talk about it everyday—once my Guru said, it’s boring. But one we must promise ourselves, that we have this special place for our dream in our hearts, and will never stop to find the way to make it happens. 

 When you done watching this movie, you will know what’s needed to be a knight. It’s neither person who born in the purple, nor who dressed likes one. Just like William once said about how the first knights have their pride, “They took it, from the tip of their swords”. Some of you will have different experience to picture out a figure of a knight. As for me, a knight is a person who thinks abroad, and acts wisely. Well, at the end, that’s what lizard brain is for, chooses what you needed most.
If he believes enough, a man can do anything (Thatcher Sr. from A Knight’s Tale)

Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Lost and Found, That’s The Kind of Place A Family is

This movie called Parenthood. As its literal means, this movie is all about parenting and how magical family can be.We can’t expect everyday in our family is as sweet as sugar. There’re always be a bitter part. But the only things you can only find in your own family is that, in the end of the day they will be back for you. 
This is story abour four Sibling; Adam, Sarah, Crosby, and Julia whose already struggling with their own family complex. Adam has a 15 years old teenager girl who reach the time of having boyfriend. He found his daughter’s first special relationship after he hacked to the girl’s facebook. He and his wife was mad to find out that way. The other hand, he also just find out that his second child, Max, has Autism, Asperger syndrome to be exact. Adam and his wife, need to catch so much things to comprehend with his son situation, but also keeping update with their daughter’s youthful behavior.

For  Sarah, as a new single mother, she has to deal with her first daughter whose meet the phase when all the parent’s rules are stink. Her daughter starts to leaving school hour, and hook up with a boy whose doesn’t go to school. Her problem doesn’t stop at that point. She also has another younger son who spending a lot of time in the bathroom and wasting too much water when he was there. ... and yes, he’s having the “guy time” too much.

About Crosby, He’ve been enjoying the time as a man with no string attached untill some old girlfriend come to him with a 5 years old boy she claimed his son. He suddenly a father. With no experiece before, he went bragging all his siblings to help him deal with this thing. One time, he even have to call his younger sister, Julia, when his son’s thumb stuck in a can of soda. In the other hand, Julia, the younger sister starts to worried when her only daughter show the same sign as Adam’s son, before he has been diagnosed with asperger, made a rubberball

Watching this serial makes me feel—I called it—“Nano-nano”. This is kind of feeling you will get when happiness, sadness, anger, and all the kind of emotions mix in your body, in a good way. It’ll be tears, I warned you. But I promise, there’ll also joy and laughter. Maybe it will answers some of your questions to deal some problem you might’ve with your brother, dad, or other family member. The most important thing’s you will learn so much things about what a family can be in a way that maybe you’ve known for along time, without even recognize it. This movie will make you proud of yourself, reminding you that even a little act you did for your family means a lot to them.

Please remember, how far you will go. There will be time when you walk back home, to family. (BedtimeStories)

Siapa Sangka, Dosa Menemukan Pelakunya

Walter Paul Sparrow—seorang suami dan ayah—mendapatkan kado sebuah buku dari istrinya di hari ulang tahunnya. Novel dengan judul ‘Number 23’. Novel tersebut ditulis oleh seseorang bernama Topsy Kretts yang ditulis dengan sudut pandang penulisan orang pertama. Novel dengan bentuk semacam ini tak jarang membuat seseorang menempatkan dirinya sebagai tokoh utama cerita tersebut, begitu pula yang dirasakan Walter. 

Walaupun mengetahui bahwa novel tersebut tak lebih dari karangan fiktif, Walter begitu penasaran untuk menyelesaikan novel tersebut. Semakin jauh ia membacanya, ia justru semakin yakin bahwa buku itu bercerita tentangnya. Ia menemukan banyak persamaan antara dirinya dan tokoh utama di buku itu. Di sisi lain, Istrinya—yang lebih dulu membacanya—menganggapnya sebagai kebetulan belaka alih-alih membenarkan pemikiran suaminya. Namun, itu tidak menghentikan Walter untuk tetap mempertahankan asumsinya.

Tiap lembar yang ia baca mewakili kecemasannya yang terus meningkat. Ketika seseorang mengalami kecemasan, maka yang dilakukannya adalah melakukan sesuatu yang bertujuan mengurangi “tegangan” yang diakibatkan oleh kecemasan itu sendiri. Dalam kisah ini, Walter berusaha menjawab kecemasannya dengan menemui siapa penulis buku tersebut, untuk membuktikan pada dirinya bahwa prasangkanya selama ini adalah benar. Ia berusaha mencari tahu berbagai hal yang bisa membuatnya semakin dekat ke identitas penulis. Ketakutan seperti ini, Freud menyebutnya sebagai kecemasan realistis seseorang, karena “ketegangan” ini muncul diakibatkan dari perasaan terancam oleh seseorang yang dianggap selama ini memata-matai kehidupannya.

Kecemasan Walter malah semakin berkembang pasca menemukan Topsy Kretts, Sang penulis Buku. Ia mendapati bahwa sebelum memiliki kehidupan yang saat ini ia miliki, ia memiliki kehidupan yang lain. Kehidupan yang berakhir dengan amnesia berat karena percobaan bunuh diri. Bukan hanya itu, Ia juga harus menerima bahwa novel tersebut adalah hasil tulisannya sendiri, dari kehidupannya yang lalu. Mengetahui kenyataan tersebut, Ia begitu merasa bersalah, dan ingin menarik diri dari kehidupannya saat ini yang bahagia. Ia tak ingin mempertaruhkan keselamatan anak istrinya sebagai jaminan. Kecemasannya meningkat menjadi neurotis, takut bahwa suatu saat ia bisa saja kembali pada kepribadiannya sebelum amnesia, seorang pembunuh. Walter berpikir jika ia pernah melakukan kejahatan seperti itu, maka tidak ada seorangpun yang dapat menjamin, bahwa dia tidak akan melakukan hal yang sama di kemudian hari. Ia tidak menginginkan jika nantinya hal buruk tesebut benar-benar terjadi, maka ia kehilangan keluarga yang selama ini dicintainya.
Istri dan anaknya tidak sependapat dengan Walter. Amnesia yang dialaminya merupakan kesempatan kedua bagi Walter, dan sejauh ini Ia telah membuktikan bahwa ia adalah sosok yang baik, sama sekali bukan seperti tokoh Fingerling yang ada dalam novel tersebut. Dengan dukungan keluarganya, Walter memantabkan tekadnya untuk meneruskan kesempatan keduanya, berusaha menjadi orang yang lebih baik. (alf)
Kecemasan merupakan indikator alamiah bagi manusia sebagai peringatan datangnya bahaya (Sigmund Freud)

Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Welcome to BedtimeMovies

Ketika Kalian seringkali berada di lingkungan gaduh—seperti menjadi objek omelan orang tua, keramaian suasana di tempat kost, atau hingar bingar tempat dugem—tepat sebelum kalian tidur, well, kalian harus rela terbiasa dengan keadaan semacam itu. It’s Lewin’s Field theory. Artinya, perilaku seseorang dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor yaitu faktor yang bersifat pribadi dan faktor yang bersifat sosial. Suatu saat, ketika keramaian itu tidak lagi bisa ditemukan di menit-menit sebelum tidur, maka kita butuh pengganti. Beberapa memilih musik, lainnya memilih cerita sebelum tidur. Namun, ketika di kamarmu terpajang lebih dari 300 film dan serial—dan terus bertambah jumlahnya—tak ada salahnya memanfaatkan “sumber daya” yang sudah ada. Then The BedtimeMovies born

BedtimeMovies’s got the attitude

BedtimeMovies bakal banyak mengecewakan para pencinta film mainstream, karena akan banyak tulisan yang diposkan dengan selera khas BedtimeMovies—walaupun tidak menutup kemungkinan melibatkan film-film mainstream. Di sisi lain, bagi yang terbuka dengan film-film tanpa batasan masa akan menjadi teman share terbaik. 

BedtimeMovies tunnels your wildest and deepest personal comments

Film bukan hanya sebuah tontonan, melainkan “experience” a.k.a. pengalaman, dan pengalaman hadir untuk dibagikan. At least that’s what I believe. Akan sangat menyenangkan memadukan berbagai pendapat tentang sebuah film atau serial tv, di sini. Be wild is pleased.

BedtimeMovies love those movies that use English as the main language

Ada “sesuatu” dalam kosakata Bahasa Inggris yang tidak pernah berhenti membuat sebagian orang terpukau. As forme, I tickled by its grammar and accents. Tata bahasanya bisa berubah seiring perubahan warna kulit atau usia mereka yang menggunakannya. Ingat saja beberapa film/serial seperti True Blood, gossip girl, Pirates of the Caribbean, atau xXx. Well, empat judul itu membuktikan beragamnya aksen dalam masing-masing film. Mau ala british? Ala rusia? Atau ala remaja upper east side? It’s never gets old, trust me.

Without further ado, I welcome you to BedtimeMovies.co.cc. Please enjoy and don’t hessitate to share, whatever it is.